Vintra Verdicts: The Casino Murder
“Vintra Verdicts” is a regular blog posting about the successes our clients experience using our video analytics solution, FulcrumAI.
“Vintra Verdicts” is a regular blog posting about the successes our clients experience using our video analytics solution, FulcrumAI.
The Best Things we read in AI this Week “Artificial Intelligence” is Vintra’s weekly round-up of AI-related articles, blogs, videos, and papers we liked.
The Best Things we read in AI this Week “Artificial Intelligence” is Vintra’s weekly round-up of AI-related articles, blogs, videos, and papers we liked.
The Vintra team has wide-ranging reading tastes when it comes to topics related to artificial intelligence. These articles, posts, and videos have been curated from suggestions made by the staff in the past week.
One detective + 743 hours of video + 4 hours of work = 1 felony case
“Vintra Verdicts” will be a regular blog posting about the successes our clients experience using our video analytics solution, FulcrumAI.
Vintra’s AI-powered Solution Transforms Traditional Video Analytics, Paves way for Customizable Future FulcrumAI transforms investigations and real-time monitoring through deep learning artificial intelligence (AI)
What you’ll find inside the White Paper: